DIY Therapeutic Powders

Making your own therapeutic powder blend is an easy and cost-effective way to personalize recipes and dial-in support for your individual health circumstances, priorities, and tastes. Custom formulas empower you to change your dose and formulation to optimize your health and wellbeing as your needs shift and evolve over time. Homing in on the adaptogens that support your specific health patterns will have exponential benefits.

These DIY powders are made by combining adaptogens, like Cordyceps and Lion’s Mane, in powder form. Adaptogens are plants and mushrooms considered to help the body adapt to stress and to exert a normalizing effect upon bodily processes. Each adaptogen has unique properties specifically appropriate for particular conditions.

Adaptogens support the rebalancing of our bodies, slowly and gently, over time. A typical therapeutic dose is 1-4 grams daily.

DIY Therapeutic Powder Blends

Karen’s Powder Blend (30 day supply)
This formula is designed to help with energy, brain function, resiliency to stress, moistening and strengthening tendons/ligaments/joints, and supporting hormonal function.

Cordyceps 30 grams (~¼ cup)
Lion’s Mane 30 grams (~¼ cup)
Eleuthero 30 grams (⅓ cup)
Shatavari 30 grams (~⅓ cup)
Hawthorn Berry 23 grams (~¼ cup)
Flax Seed Powder 15 grams (⅛ cup)
Dandy Blend (I love this powder for it’s flavor of roasted roots like chicory and dandelion, very similar to a coffee flavor) 80 grams (~1 ½ cups)
Cacao Powder 100 grams (~1 ½ cups)

Evening Sleep Blend
Lion’s Mane 30 grams (~¼ cup)
Ashwagandha 30 grams (~⅓ cup)
Codonopsis 30 grams (~⅓ cup)
Cinnamon or Cardamom to taste

Mushroom Blend
Cordyceps 30 grams (~¼ cup)
Lion’s Mane 30 grams (~¼ cup)
Reishi 30 grams (~¼ cup)
Cacao Powder to taste, 60-75 grams (~⅔-1 cup)
Options: Dandy Blend, Cinnamon, Cardamom


Chocolate Herbal Cold Milk
Hot Therapeutic Herbal Beverage

Add Your Powder to a Beverage
For most powders, combining them in a beverage with a little bit of fat will really help them stay dissolved. Whole fat milks, ghee, coconut oil, MCT oil, or even butter. CBD in MCT oil…. for sure!  Quality fats are important and help keep our cell walls flexible while supporting many functions in the body.

Add Your Powder to Food
Mix in with your morning yogurt, add to overnight oats, add to applesauce. Make BLISS BALLS or Raw Energy Treats!

Common and Powerful Adaptogens

Energy, Metabolic Function, Libido, Immune System, Neutral Energetics

Immune System Modulation, Inflammation & Hypersensitivity, Mood, Neutral/Dry Energetics

Helpful with Insomnia, Depletion, Anxiety, Chronically Ill & Exhausted, Better in the Evening, Warm/Moist Energetics

Supports the Immune System, Weak Digestive Function, Debility after illness, Builds basic functions of body to restore vitality, Respiratory, Digestive & Immune Systems, Warm/Moist Energetics

Nervous Exhaustion, Overworked Mentally & Physically, Building Adrenal Resources, Increases Endurance, Slightly Warm/Neutral Energetics

Deficiency with Dryness & Poor Assimilation, Low Vitality & Mood, Menopausal sympotms like dryness, Irritability, Memory, Digestive Tonic, Chronic Illness with Stress,  Cooling/Moist Energetics

Extra Nourishing, Soothing to digestive system, Helps to Build the Blood, Tonifies the Adrenals

Note: Turmeric needs a very large dose to achieve therapeutic levels, typically way more then you would want to put in a powder blend. It is an amazing herb. I usually make a golden paste and keep it in the fridge and put one heaping tablespoon of turmeric paste into my smoothies in the morning. This would be in addition to your powder. Even this amount is just barely reaching therapeutic doses. If you really want to work with turmeric, consider standardized capsules.

Cordyceps and Lion’s Mane are available direct from us or through one of our local retail partners. Other adaptogens can be found at your local apothecary. For quantities, start with a one ounce bag (about 28 gm), or if you know you will use it regularly, a four ounce bag will last for about 4 months of preparation.

Karen Wiseman